The tape recorder is ready just to plug in as the connections have been built in the bottom of the furniture cabinet.
The new B&O Beocord Stereomaster Tape Recorder is the ideal recorder for the discriminating tape amateur. For the first time in the world you can have an amateur tape recorder with a built-in mixing panel for simultaneous mixing of three input signals.
Here, for the first time, is an all-transistor Hi-Fi tape recorder comprehensive professional specifications, including:
Signal-to-noise ratio 1/2 track: better than 55 dB
1/4 track Better than 50 dB
Power Consumption, Motor 27 W
Power Consumption, Amplifier No signal: 8W. Full volume: 20W
Bias Current, AMPEX 521 ½ track: 2,3 mA. 1/4 track: 1,9 mA
BASF LGS 35 ½ track: 2,6 mA. 1/4 track: 2,1 mA
Recording Characteristic DIN 1962
Channel Separation Better than 45 dB
Supply Voltage Switchable between 95, 110, 125, 205, 220 and 235 V, 50 c/s
Erase Frequency 100 kc/s
Reel Diameter Max. 18 cm
Number of tracks 2 or 4 tracks
Tone Control Range + 10 dB at 50 c/s
+ 10 dB at 10,000 c/s
Power output 22 8W, harmonic distortion < 1% at 5 W
Line output voltage 800 mV + 4 dB (47 k ohms)
External speaker Impedance: 4 ohms
Weight Type K: 16 kg
Type T: 18 kg
Dimensions, Type T (Transportable model)
45 cm width
35 cm depth
Height inclusive of speakers: 27cm
Height exclusive of speakers: 19cm
Dimensions, Type K
45 cm width
35,5 cm depth
Height inclusive of lid: 21cm
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